Episode 34 Real Change: A Conversation With Sharon Salzberg

Conversation Starter

For each episode we offer a conversation starter you can download at our website.  You can use this with a small group or for your own meditation or journaling. 

In this guide we consider our conversation with mediation teacher Sharon Salzberg, exploring the topics of suffering and the human condition, feeling what we feel and yet now getting stuck in that emotion.  The importance of caring, balance and self compassion to avoid burn out.  We discuss developing a flexibility of attention, even a light heartedness and the use of meditation and mindfulness to deepen our lives and sustain our work in the world. 

Some Approaches to this Month’s Questions 

You may want to explore the podcast and Questions of the Month privately, via journaling and silent reflection. But please consider gathering online for an exploration with one or more family members or friends. If that idea appeals to you, look into using Zoom, Facetime, Skype or some other video platform or talk with each other in person when vaccinated or safely social distanced.

Carrie Newcomer